ILArch series of illustrations These illustrations are inspired by my travels through Brazil, Portugal, France, Italy and Serbia, capturing the essence of each place through the lens of my camera. I first took these photos and then created illustrations based on them. My focus has always been on vivid colors and dynamic perspectives, transforming architecture into vibrant, living art. Each piece stages the captured structures in a  evocative way, inviting the viewer to see the world through a prism of bold hues and energetic compositions.

ILArch Nr. 2, Series of 5, Paris, France

ILArch Nr. 4, Series of 5, Paris, France

ILArch Nr. 1, Series of 5, Paris, France

ILArch Nr. 6, Series of 5, Space

ILArch Nr. 10, Series of 5, Venice, Italy

ILArch Nr. 7, Series of 5, Paris, France

ILArch Nr. 3, Series of 5, Brasila, Brasil

ILArch Nr. 8, Series of 5, Belgrade, Serbia

ILArch Nr. 5, Series of 5, Paris, France

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